Newcomers Meet New Challenges – Télé-Ressources
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Newcomers Meet New Challenges

March 18, 2014 | by Guillaume Couture

Whether you are staying in the province to work temporarily, or are participating in a Working Holiday Program (WHP), or have recently obtained your permanent residence, you will have to get to know the labour market in Quebec. Gaining a first work experience in a foreign country is the cornerstone of your job search. Read on in order to discover essential information on how to get a job in the province of Quebec.

Employment Agencies Offer a Window of Opportunities

Always free for applicants, employment agencies act as a go-between for job seekers and companies that are hiring. With many clients from various fields, they offer you more job opportunities under the same roof. A Télé-Ressources professional can talk about your competencies to numerous employers, giving you a vast array of possibilities.

Télé-Ressources can help you find a short or long term job. Just send us your resume, making sure it is up to date, and contains your most recent work experiences. According to your competencies, as soon as a position corresponds to your profile, a consultant specializing in your field of work will contact you to set up an interview.

Four Tips to Get Ready for a Job Interview

Whether for a preliminary interview at an employment agency or a job interview with a potential employer, your aim is to stand out.

Make a good first impression by wearing appropriate clothing, being on time, smiling, and giving a firm handshake without crushing your interviewer’s hand.

Always be well prepared, and leave nothing to chance. Be sure to memorize your career path and be ready to explain it. Practice your answers to typical interview questions beforehand. Do some research on the company to be better informed.

If you do not have any work experience in the province of Quebec, put the emphasis on your transferable skills. Your knowledge, strengths, skills, and the abilities that you developed in your professional life in your country of origin will all be useful in a new job. Also, if you are proficient in both English and French, this will make you more attractive to a prospective employer.

Be confident and remain aware of your nonverbal communication. Avoid crossing your arms since this gesture can be perceived as a lack of openness; others might think of you as a close-minded person. Even though a job interview is often a stressful situation, try to keep nervousness at bay, stay calm and show self-confidence.

How to Gain Work Experience in the Province of Quebec

A temporary assignment can allow you to get that first work experience which will enable you to demonstrate your effectiveness and prove your worth. It is also a great opportunity to obtain a professional reference; if you do your job well, your supervisor will have nothing but positive things to say about you. Temp work is a great way to enter the job market in the province of Quebec.

Useful Links

The Quebec Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities offers a lot of useful information regardless of your situation. Register for the Objectif Intégration session to reach a better understanding of the working world in Quebec.

Emploi Québec offers programs which address the specific needs of immigrants and visible minorities, to help them in their job search.

If you want to get your skills and competencies recognized, contact Compétences Montréal. This organization, in collaboration with Montreal colleges, will help you integrate the workforce by enabling you to get a certification recognized throughout the province, and obtain a job in your field.

As far as skilled trades are concerned, the Comité d’adaptation de la main-d’œuvre pour les personnes immigrantes (CAMO-PI) provides various tools and programs to help newcomers get access to a job. Get your competencies evaluated and recognized, and obtain a professional qualification certificate thanks to the Reconnaissance des compétences de la main-d’œuvre program.

The L’Intégration en emploi website acts as an online directory of resources and programs aimed at job seekers from abroad.

Many organizations offer services for newcomers, for example L’Hirondelle specializes in welcoming and integration services, encouraging the socio-economic inclusion of immigrants.

Do not forget to take a look at our job offers, and contact one of our talent acquisition consultants as soon as you find a position that matches your skills.